The Corona virus was first reported in Tanzania about seven days ago, when a resident returning to the country from Europe tested positive in Arusha. Cases have followed in Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar. Although these infections also had an overseas connection, it is highly likely that domestic transmission has started.
At present, there is no evidence of the virus reaching the Mwanza/Mayega areas but Busega Scotland is implementing a Corona Action Plan to safeguard our beneficiaries and staff. This includes personal hygiene, travel restrictions, avoiding unnecessary visitors at the Children’s Centre and making sure the children have adequate supplies of food and other essentials. Gadlord Deuli, our Project Leader, is responsible for implementing the plan, and will provide regular implementation reports. Our trustees will be kept fully informed.

Mayega Children’s Centre . Making Posters on keeping safe from Corona virus
In Tanzania, all schools and colleges have been closed and tighter restrictions on other aspects of life are expected. Tanzanians are very tactile people and so the ubiquitous greetings of handshakes and hugging have been banned. The speed of transmission could be aided by crowded settlements and transport, along with a fragile medical system. As everywhere, Corona is the main topic of conversation.