Solar Power Project
March 2019
Solar extended to new kitchen
May 2015
Second solar panel installed in the community building.
Lights on in the dormitories
The lights went on for the first time on 23rd October 2014. There was great excitement. There is no mains electricity in the village of Mayega. It is hard to imagine …… No power in the secondary school, no power in the primary school and until the solar panel was installed, no power at the New Peace Mayega Children’s Dropping Centre. One little solar panel has made all the difference. There is plenty of sunshine, even in the rainy season.
This little solar panel provides power to 8 strip lights and 6 light bulbs. We also have the potential to run a CD player or such like, if we had one! The children are asking about television……. In Tanzania daylight and night are of equal length. It is dark by 18.45 for 12 hours. Dangerous, smelly kerosene lamps are a thing of the past. I am thinking of evenings spent on homework or extra tuition. A time for the kids to enjoy learning new skills, arts and crafts, listening to music, or playing games. One day we will have books for the children to read! Staff will be able to charge mobile phones and make communication with the BCDSA TZ office in Mwanza so much easier. It is absolutely fantastic! Unlike domestic solar systems in the UK, which use power instantaneously and divert unused electricity to the National Grid, this solar panel charges two large batteries which are capable of storing about 4 hours of power ( if all the lights were running at once). This means plenty of time for recreation before bed time in the dormitories. It opens up so many possibilities. The children of the centre say “asante sana” to the donors who have made this possible. We were delighted to receive £500 from Trayport Limited and £300 from a WABIA network donor. Two other individuals made up the balance. I am often asked what impact donations from overseas make to the lives of the children at Mayega. Today that is an easy question to answer! This is only the beginning. Our new building is taking shape and in due course we will be fundraising to complete the construction. We still need a ceiling, floor, internal fittings, plaster and paint. We will also fundraise for a solar system capable of running a solar fridge and a computer. Be assured your donations really make a massive difference to the children at the orphanage. Thank you for your help.