It was a cold night in Garmouth on Saturday 1st February. But plenty of heat was generated at Busega Scotland’s first event of its second decade, and the third Shindig for Susie, held in our charity’s home village.
Susie is blind. She recently started at a specialist residential secondary school. A challenge for any child and particularly so when you are 500 miles from your home at Mayega Children’s Centre. But Susie is very brave, spirited and determined.
All the proceeds from the ceilidh will go towards Susie’s care and education (we had sponsors meeting the costs of staging the event). £865 was raised from ticket sales, a raffle and whisky squares, and other donations added £165. What a magnificent effort.
Thanks go to Lewis and James who provided the music, and the Qismat curry van that was on hand to fortify the forty-six dancers. A great night was had by all.