Come on the Maroons………
Not a phrase you readily associate with the Carney family. Come on the Reds, is much more acceptable. However, John and Christine were delighted to hand over a full maroon and blue football strip to Ernest Damiano, Headteacher of Mayega Primary School. The previous week there had been a village meeting to discuss how the school could get hold of strips for the ward championships! Problem solved!
The timely gift came from Portessie Methodist Church in Buckie. Christine and John had given a talk to their Women’s Guild and were asked if they could make use of the kit. ‘Of course we can!’, was the immediate reply, and so the mainly brand new strips formed part of 92 kg hold baggage on the Carneys recent journey to Tanzania.
Returning vaguely to colour of the strip. Liverpool’s first great manager, Bill Shankly, said that his job was to ‘make the people happy’. The good folk from the Moray church have certainly made the young footballers of Mayega very happy. Let’s hope they do well in the tournament but any in case, as Ernest said, they will look the smartest!