The fourth women’s group in the Family Support Project has admitted its final seven women, bringing the total number of Bujingwa members to thirty. We have now two complete groups in the town of Igombe (the birthplace of Family Support) and two more in the village of Chole. The groups in the two locations run very differently, reflecting the contrasting environments and local possibilities. In each case, the aim of Busega Scotland is to ‘let the groups fly’ and go forward independently, while holding onto their assets. This provides sustainability for the projects and an exit strategy for ourselves.
The Assistant Project Leader responsible for Family Support, Julieth Godwin, has started a period of maternity leave and is expecting her baby in July. We wish both mum and baby well and look forward to welcoming Julieth back to work later in the year. She is so important to the successful running of our women’s groups.
In Julieth’s absence, our secretary, Kabula Peter, made the business grants and vicoba (credit union) payments to the new Bujingwa women. While Julieth is away, Kabula will be covering some of her duties to ensure continuity in our services. She has been shadowing Julieth for a while, as part of the preparation for the expanded role.