The Family Support Project has now held its first two health education sessions in Chole, using DVDs produced by the UK charity Thare Machi. The joint initiative, between Busega Scotland and Bukumbi Hospital, is using Kiswahili DVDs to deliver interactive sessions on basic hygiene, cholera and malaria. The leaders are Julieth Godwin and Judy Campbell from Busega Scotland and a nurse rotation from the hospital.
Chole now has two women’s groups, with a total of 63 families involved. Just over 20 Group 1 women attended the first week and about 30 Group 2 women this week. The word is spreading. The aim is to get all families through the programme before starting screening and treatment for common infections. We hope that improved hygiene practices will then reduce infection rates going forward.
Judy loves working with her Tanzanian colleagues and the women but her highlight is the group singing at the end of each session. Unaccompanied and without inhibition – truly the African way.