The striking common factors were the challenging ‘downs’, and inspiring ‘ups’, that characterise both journeys. Resilience is needed, and persistence pays.
Nanette and Vic are the founders of Friends of MGF India program. They support, and have helped develop, a feeding station that now feeds 80 widows and children, on a nightly basis, in the village of Kamuru. In addition, there is a study centre to help children with education, as many parents are illiterate. A sponsorship scheme funds some youngsters through college.
While Friends of MGF and Busega Scotland have responded differently to their situations, the common factor confronting both are the effects of poverty. Both organisations do what they can, and are indebted to their supporters making that possible.
John and Christine thank Nanette and Vic for the friendship, wise counsel, their special greeting, and delicious Indian food.
Friends of MGF program has a Facebook page.