From The Northern Scot Newspaper 18.9.15
14.9.15 Come and Join us!
5.9.15 Dates for your diary
24.8.15 £700 Birthday Gift
A huge thank you to Stuart Copland, his family and friends. Instead of receiving gifts to mark his 60th Birthday, Stuart requested donations to Busega Scotland .
Stuart said “Being able to do this gave us a great deal of pleasure and we hope it will help to make the lives of some others better”.
The money will be used to support orphaned or destitute children at the Mayega Children’s Centre .
Happy Birthday Stuart!
12.8.15 Congratulations
Great News. Ester has successfully completed her Certificate in Early Childhood Education at Mwanza Polytechnic and is now eligible to continue her studies on the Diploma course.
She is thankful for the opportunity she has had to study . It has not been easy as she has suffered some ill health this year but we are all very proud of her achievements. Busega Scotland helps young people like Ester , make a life for themselves and make a contribution to their community.
1.8.15 Latest Newsletter
Family Support Project Report July 2015
A Gift from Scotland
The children at Mayega New Peace Dropping Centre were delighted to receive a gift of a DVD player. This runs on solar power as there is no mains electricity at the village of Mayega. The hope is that exposure to films and other programmes in English, will encourage the children to speak in English.
Project Leader in Tanzania
Busega Scotland is delighted to announce the appointment of its first Project Leader in Mwanza. Rev Gadlord Deuli has been assisting with Busega Scotland projects on a more informal basis over the last 15 months and his help has proved to be essential in progressing work on the ground. Rev Deuli is a pastor in the Charismatic Episcopal Church of Tanzania and has established his own non-governmental organisation (NGO) called HEPOAA-TZ. His local knowledge, accountancy background, NGO and Busega Scotland experience are vital in developing our projects further. Karibu Rev Deuli!!