Busega Scotland is delighted to announce that Julieth Godwin has been appointed as Assistant Project Leader, with special responsibility for our family support projects. Julieth was previously a Busega Scotland apprentice and has been working with us on a temporary basis over the last few months. Busega Scotland trustees agreed the additional post as we foresee an increase in workload, as major projects develop and this will place additional demands on our Project Leader, Rev Deuli. We should soon be admitting new children to Mayega Children’s Centre, be employing a ‘Saturday teacher’ and working on the water supply. Christine is also keen that Julieth becomes an external counsellor to the girls at Mayega – a role that she is well prepared for through her apprenticeship. We wish Julieth well in her new post and it great to see Busega Scotland ‘growing its own staff’ so successfully
24.1.17 Student Life begins for Mayega leavers
The Moving-on Project received three new recruits this month. Lukondya, Mazabuka and Monica left Mayega for new lives as college students. The two boys will train to be motor mechanics and Monica to be an electrician. It is a well worn path for Mayega leavers to join Kalwande College. Lukondya will join our five other students there. Mazabuka and Monica have enrolled at Nyakato College, which is new for Busega Scotland. Christine and Rev Deuli visited the college and were very impressed by its organisation and facilities. There is competition for places and we were delighted when they were selected, having done very well in the entrance examination and interview.
Lukondya and Mazabuka will be resident at their colleges, while Monica has moved in with Ester and Kabula. They are now in their final year with Ester training as a primary teacher and Kabula doing secretarial studies. The Moving-on Project currently has ten students in full time vocational education as we attempt to provide secure futures for them. All the established students are doing very well and we also expect our new recruits to do Mayega Children’s Centre and Busega Scotland proud.
Matron was sad to see her children leave but bursting with pride at the young adults they have become.
First Drouthy Quiz Night of 2017
17.1.17 Guest House plans taking shape
For the first time in his life John had a designated parking spot, for his visit to Moray College to meet computer aided design students, along with fellow trustee Colin Sanders. Visitors to the Mayega Children’s Centre cannot stay overnight or for extended periods. Mayega staff think that this is a major disadvantage and Busega Scotland agree. John prepared a brief and gave a talk to the students on the type of building we require and they will use their skills to prepare plans. This is part of assessed course work, so is in line with Busega Scotland’s objective to give back to the community of Moray. The students and their lecturers were incredibly enthusiastic. They have asked for follow-up information that will be gathered by Arnold and Valerie Barrow during their trip to Tanzania. This is team work!
10.1.17 Turning Point Smarties Tube Collection
Using Smarties tubes to collect 20 pence pieces is a great way to support Busega Scotland. That is just what Scott Meredith and his team at Turning Point Scotland have been doing in Elgin. John was happy to go along and meet the team and receive their kind donation of £101.75.
If any other work or group wishes to take part in a similar collection please contact us for further details.
23.12.16 Christmas Shopping
19.12.16 Boost for Igombe Vicoba
19.12.16 Education matters
18.12.16 A real honour.
15.12.16 Chole Family Support Project – we finally made it!