In 2018, a nine-year-old girl arrived at Mayega Children’s Centre in Tanzania with virtually no sight. Despite the best treatment available, and after a period when she could see quite well, Susie is now blind.
Busega Scotland is organising a ceilidh, its third Shindig for Susie, to take place at Garmouth Village Hall on Saturday 1st February. 7 for 7.30.
Lewis Wiles and Friends will provide the music, and the Qismat Curry Van will be available. BYOB.
Susie touched the hearts of folk at the previous Shindigs and has made great strides. She recently graduated from primary to secondary school. Education for Susie is costly, as it is residential, and hundreds of miles from Mayega. Susie is a very special young lady.
Bookings for the ceilidh can be made through John and Christine Carney at [email protected] or 07936 383800.
Everyone is welcome to dance the night away for a wonderful cause.