Busega Scotland had an unexpected visitor to the Lossiemouth charity shop. Joan Munro, from Moray Womens Aid called by to deliver a cheque for £100, to support our work in Tanzania. Joan commented on the relative certainty her organisation has over funding, when compared to Busega Scotland projects. She added that ‘it is good (for Moray Women’s Aid) to help groups that are less fortunate’.
Given the focus of the work of Women’s Aid and of our Family Support Project, we will use the donation to help the new Family Support Project in Chole. This will help women in the village start horticultural businesses, to support their families. Our former apprentice, Julieth Godwin, will work with the Chole Women’s Group in a temporary post as Assistant Project Leader. It is important to ‘grow your own members of staff’ and Julieth did very well in her apprenticeship.
Joan said Busega Scotland should ‘keep up the good work’ and we will certainly do that, working closely with our colleagues in Tanzania. Teamwork is at the core of what we do.
Many thanks to Moray Women’s Aid for their kind donation.