Busega Scotland has prepared its Annual Report and Financial Statement for 2019-20. The accounts have been externally verified, as required by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR). The Annual Report and Financial Statement was approved at the Annual General Meeting of Busega Scotland on 12th January 2021. Our Annual Return to OSCR was submitted on 14th January and our page on the regulator’s website can be accessed through the following link.
The process described above is for our accounts in Scotland. In Tanzania, our accounts for 2018-19 have been audited by Phares K Songo and Co, who are Certified Public Accountants and Auditors. The Auditor’s Opinion is that the ‘Financial statements are in agreement with the accounting records’ and they ‘give a true and fair view’ of Busega Scotland’s financial affairs in Tanzania.
You can access the Annual Report and Financial Statement 2019-20 and the Auditor’s Opinion 2018-19 in the Accounts and Annual Reports page on this website.https://busegascotland.co.uk/annual-accounts/