Holy Trinity kids enjoy the Sunday service in their new temporary home. The church is meeting in a covered area in a small chicken production unit in Mwanza. Since the demolition of their church , there is a shortage of chairs and the youngsters sit on a tarpaulin at the side of the area. Most of the time they are however up dancing to the congregation’s singing. John , Christine and Judy are always made very welcome here. Bishop Charles Sekelwa described the dramatic scenes when the building came down with half an hour notice. He persuaded the security guards to give him a few men to evacuate his office on the second floor. The church was on the top 4th floor.
The building was surrounded by security services as the bulldozers moved in. Church members and residents were running up the stairs trying to collect their belongings as they had only half an hour to vacate the building. Furniture was thrown over the balconies in an attempt to salvage what they could get. Holy Trinity managed to retrieve their new sound system, communion ware and lectern but the pews were lost as demolition started before they could get everything.