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Monthly Archives: July 2016
7.7.16 Cricket lovely cricket

25.6.16 Mwanza seminar report available
The reports page now has an account of a Busega Scotland seminar that considered the challenges facing young people when they leave orphanage care.
The seminar highlighted the research of Julieth Godwin, Busega Scotland Apprentice. She looked at the difficulties faced by orphanage leavers in holding down jobs. Christine Carney described the operation of the Busega Scotland Moving-on Project. The seminar concluded by developing improvement recommendations and priorities.
Please read the report.
It makes interesting reading in understanding the challenges faced by orphanage leavers and what the Moving-on Project needs to do to improve its service.
22.6.16 Security for the children
The contractors have finished the work at Mayega and the children are delighted with their new fence. Having led chaotic lives before their admission to the orphanage , the fence gives the children a sense of freedom . They feel safe and will no longer be bothered by village drunks. This was a particular problem for the girls.
Across Tanzania vulnerable girls are often forced to get married when they are very young if they have no family to provide for them. Extended families too poor to care for orphaned relatives see it as a way of ensuring the girls are fed as they become the responsibility of the husband. A girl can be sold for a few cows . The United Nations Population Fund has a fact sheet on Child Marriage in Tanzania for further reading.
23.6.16 Julieth Completes her Apprenticeship