Busega Scotland was happy to add capital to the Igombe Women’s Group vicoba scheme. The closest Scottish equivalent to a vicoba is a credit union. The women in the Igombe group have received business grants from Busega Scotland, as part of our Family Support Project. They pay modest amounts from their profits into the vicoba and then lend money to each other, to develop their enterprises or to meet unexpected family costs. Interest is charged on the loans and this is eventually shared out by members as a boost to incomes.
Busega Scotland had examined the operation of the group and found it to be working well (see news item on 051216 ‘Capital investment at Igombe’). As a result, John attended the women’s meeting at Igombe to present £130 to chairwoman, Stella Ndallo. This was added to the £43 already saved into the vicoba. Julieth Godwin, Assistant Project Leader, explained in detail the agreement reached between Busega Scotland and the group’s leaders.
The women are interested in establishing a co-operative business but are at in the early stages of thinking this through. It would be good if Busega Scotland could provide support, if a satisfactory business plan can be developed.