As announced in the last newsletter Busega Scotland is now partnered with HEPOAA in delivering its Family Support and Moving-on Projects. HEPOAA was established in 2013 with the following vision:
HEPOAA – Tanzania believes in the sustainability of human development, poverty alleviation and life challenges to enable vulnerable groups (women and children, youth and people with special needs) to exercise their civil rights in their communities and lead a dignified social and empowered economic existence with improved living conditions.
HEPOAA is led by Rev Gadlord Deuli, who is also Busega Scotland’s Project Leader in Tanzania. John and Christine have worked closely with Rev Deuli in managing and developing our projects. They have also been appointed to HEPOAA’s board of directors. This will allow the Carneys’ to influence the development of the organisation and scrutinise its activities.
HEPOAA is primarily involved in micro-credit and based in a small settlement called Kiseke on the outskirts of Mwanza. HEPOAA partners with a UK based charity called Wabia Network in providing loans to women to establish and develop small businesses. They currently have about fifty micro-credit clients. HEPOAA is also interested in establishing a centre for vocational training, to service the needs of young people who have had limited education or poor attainment.