Donate Now
If you would like to make an instant donation to support the work of Busega Scotland , please click on the button above. This will take you to our online Donation Manager link. Every donation we receive makes a big difference to the lives of vulnerable children and families in Tanzania. If you can please consider Gift Aid with your donation.
If you would like to discuss this with us further, please email us at [email protected]
For anyone who wishes to make a direct donation or set up a monthly standing order the bank account details are –
Account Name : Busega Scotland
Sort Code: 80-22-60
Account Number : 14126960
Regular Giving enables us to plan ahead with predictable income. You can donate monthly, quarterly or yearly at any level you choose. Gift Aid forms are available on request. Thank you for considering this.
Does your employer run a Payroll Giving Scheme? Why not consider donating to Busega Scotland in a tax efficient way , through Payroll Giving? See Charities Aid Foundation for more information.
Thank you for your support.